Ongoing Development Projects

ZIN Development Project, District Dera Bughti, Baluchistan
ZIN Block is in vicinity of OGDCL’s UCH Gas Processing Plant with a potential of +/- 108 MMscfd low btu gas. Different options are underway to monetize/ commercialize the field. Negotiations are underway with M/s UCH Power Ltd.
Bettani Development Project, District Lakki Marwat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
OGDCL has recently installed Bettani Early Production Facility (EPF) under Extended Well Testing (EWT) arrangement which is presently processing 13 MMscfd raw gas. Bettani Block has the potential to produce 90 MMSCFD raw gas with 3,500-4,000 BBLS condensate with LPG & NGL contents. OGDCL has eng ...

Jhal Magsi Gas Processing Project District Jhal Magsi Baluchistan
OGDCL is installing a Gas Processing Plant comprising of separation system, Glycol Dehydration & Amine Sweetening Unit alongwith allied Utilities. It will produce Pipeline Quality Natural Gas of 13.7 MMSCFD. Gas will be injected into the SSGCL system through 98 km pipeline. As per the planned ti ...