Ongoing Compression Projects

KPD-TAY Compression in Tando Jam, Hyderabad, Sindh
To cater the pressure depletion and to optimize production from depleting wells, Front-End/ Nodal Compression will be installed at KPD-TAY Fields. The Contract has been awarded on EPCC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning) basis.
The project is planned to complete by Apri ...

Dakhni Compression in Jand, District Attock, Punjab
To cater the pressure depletion and to optimize production from depleting wells, Front-End Compression will be installed at Dakhni Fields. The Contract has been awarded on EPCC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning) basis.
The project is planned to complete by January 2026.
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UCH Compression Project District Dera Murad Jamali, Baluchistan
OGDCL intends to install Front-end Compression to meet GSA obligations with UPL (UCH Power Ltd.) at UCH Gas Field. The Contract has been awarded on EPCC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning) basis.
The project is planned to complete by June, 2026.