Notice Of 18th Annual General Meeting (OGDCL)
17/09/15Notice is hereby given that the 18th Annual General Meeting being Twenty Eighth meeting of the members of Oil and Gas Development Company Limited
Discovery of Gas at Aradin-I
17/09/15By the grace of Almighty Allah, Oil and Gas Development Company Limited has made gas discovery in ARADIN
Highlights Of The Full Year (FY2015)
26/08/15- OGDCL’s net sales registered Rs 210.625 billion compared to Rs 257.014 billion in the last year
- Net profit before taxation registered Rs 127,025 billion compared to Rs 172.350 billion in the last year
- Net Profit after Taxation registered Rs 87.249 billion as against Rs 123.915 billion in the preceding year translating into Earnings per Share of Rs 20.29
Discovery Of Oil At Chak Naurang South-1
06/08/15By the grace of Almighty Allah, Oil and Gas Development Company Limited has made oil discovery in Lower Sakessar over Chak Naurang South-1 exploration well located in District Chakwal, Punjab.